lex Sarah



Compound of lex (law) + Sarah (Sarah), from Sarah Wägnert who in 1997 reported her employer for misconduct.


lex Sarah c

  1. (Sweden, law, healthcare) The colloquial term for a specific law; which states that an employee that is working with the elder or disabled is legally required to be vigilant regarding good care, safe environment and to report suspected misconduct.
    • 2021 September 21, Annika Carpman, “Brukare fick ingen mat på 21 dagar – avled [Client received no food for 21 days - died]”, in Dagens Medicin:
      Socialförvaltningen i Gällivare har anmält fallet enligt lex Sarah till Inspektionen för vård och omsorg, Ivo.
      The social administration in Gällivare has reported the case according to lex Sarah to the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate, Ivo.

Derived terms

  • lex Sarah-anmälan (lex Sarah report)
  • lex Sarah-utredning (lex Sarah investigation)
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