- IPA(key): [ˈlazi]
- Rhymes: -azi
- Hyphenation: la‧zi
Conjugation of lazi

A yellow ribbon
From lazo (ribbon) + nazi, a comparison of separatists to Nazis, because the Catalan separatists use the yellow ribbon to protest for the politicians of the 2017 Catalan independence referendum, who were imprisoned.
lazi m (plural lazis)
- (derogatory) yellow ribbon used by Catalan independentists
- (by extension, derogatory) Catalan independentists that wear yellow ribbons
- 2018 July 4, Loreto Cabaleiro, “Plataforma por Tabarnia denuncia el vandalismo contra la estatua de Manolo Escobar en Badalona”, in El Mundo:
- La plataforma, que reivindica las regiones no soberanistas de Cataluña, ha tildado a los autores del actos de "lazis", haciendo referencia al movimiento nazi y a los lazos amarillos símbolo del independentismo.
- The platform, which claims Catalonia's non-sovereigntist regions, has branded the culprits of the act as "lazis", referring to the Nazi movement and the yellow ribbons that symbolize independentism.
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