


From lök (onion) + -ig (-y).


lökig (comparative lökigare, superlative lökigast)

  1. (colloquial, about work) lazy, relaxed
    Jag jobbar lökiga tider på affärn, 10-14.
    I work work lazy times in the store, 10-14.
  2. (colloquial, about person) dull, lazy, relaxed
    Sluta vara så himla lökig! Klä på dig och ta och träna lite istället vettja!
    Stop being so lazy. Dress yourself and get some exercise!
  3. (colloquial) sweaty
    Jag tror aldrig jag har varit så här lökig förut, kan solen sluta steka min kropp snart eller?
    I have never been this sweaty before, can the sun stop barbecuing me?
  4. (colloquial) timid, ridiculous
    Asså, hur kan man klä sig så där lökigt?
    You know, how can anyone dress that ugly.
  5. (colloquial) ramshackle, worn, worn out
    Men vilken lökig kärra då åker runt med, är den från 1800-talet eller?
    What is that ramshackle of car you drive? Is it 19th century?
  6. (colloquial) mean, cruel, bad
    Fan, vad lökigt gjort att sno hans P-plats.
    Bad to steal someone else's parking spot like that.
  7. (colloquial) something surprisingly bad, pathetic
    Spaghetti och köttfärssås på en bröllopsmiddag? Det lökigaste jag nånsin sett!
    Spaghetti bolognese on a wedding? That was the most pathetic I've ever seen!

Usage notes

The word has a fluid meaning and there are several dialectal differences that lack any easy description. The common denominator however is the negative connotation. Read more at this thread from FamiljeLiv.se: "What is 'lökig' for you?" (in Swedish).


Inflection of lökig
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular lökig lökigare lökigast
Neuter singular lökigt lökigare lökigast
Plural lökiga lökigare lökigast
Masculine plural3 lökige lökigare lökigast
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 lökige lökigare lökigaste
All lökiga lökigare lökigaste
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic

See also

Further reading

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