


According to Fraenkel, related to kvaĩkti (to become stunned, dazed), kváikė (stupid woman, stupid thing), kvaĩsti (to become stunned, dazed), kvaitulỹs (dizziness), kvaĩšas, kvaišà (stupid person), kvaĩšti (to become stupid, stunned, dazed), kváišinti (to fool, tease, make dizzy), kvaitýtis (to behave foolishly).

According to Būga (cited by Fraenkel), in ablaut with kuitė́ti (to perish, faint).

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. Particularly: “Further etymology?”)


kvaĩlas m (feminine kvailà) stress pattern 4

  1. stupid
  2. foolish, silly


  • (noun, fool): kvailys, kvaila
  • (noun, foolishness): kvailumas, kvailybė, kvailystė
  • (verb): kvailioti (be foolish; fool around), kvailėti (become foolish), kvailinti (fool, dupe; call a fool)
  • (adverb): kvailai (foolishly), kvailyn (becoming more foolish)
  • (adjective): kvailokas (doltish), puskvailis (half-foolish), apykvailis (rather foolish), pokvailis (somewhat foolish), priekvailis (a little foolish)

Further reading

  • kvailas”, in Lietuvių kalbos žodynas [Dictionary of the Lithuanian language], lkz.lt, 1941–2024
  • Fraenkel, Ernst (1955, 1962–1965) “kvaĩkti”, in Litauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, volumes I–II, Heidelberg-Göttingen: Carl Winter and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
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