


From Arabic كُوفِيّ (kūfiyy). In peculiar sense, originally Uppsala student slang attested since the 1880s. Common usage attested since about 1900. Compare German kufisch.


kufisk (comparative mer kufisk, superlative mest kufisk)

  1. (archaic) Kufic (relating to the Arabic city of Kufa)
    ett kufiskt mynt
    a Kufic coin
  2. (derogatory) strange, peculiar
    en kufisk typ
    a strange guy


Inflection of kufisk
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular kufisk mer kufisk mest kufisk
Neuter singular kufiskt mer kufiskt mest kufiskt
Plural kufiska mer kufiska mest kufiska
Masculine plural3 kufiske mer kufiska mest kufiska
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 kufiske mer kufiske mest kufiske
All kufiska mer kufiska mest kufiska
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic

Derived terms


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