
Sranan Tongo


Borrowed from Kari'na kurijara.



  1. curiara, dugout, hollowed-out canoe, pirogue
    • 1783, C. L. Schumann, Neger-Englisches Worterbuch [Negro English Dictionary]:
      Kuljara va ju no habi bunne hudu, da buba soso
      Your canoe doesn't have proper wood, it's just sapwood.
    • 1874, W. Boekhoudt, Uit mijn verleden. Bijdrage tot de kennis van Suriname [From my past. Contribution to the knowledge of Suriname], Winschoten: J.D. van der Veen, page 95:
      Joe si boenboen kroejara soengoe, kaba joe aksi iffi mi foetoe natti.
      You saw full well that the canoe sank, now you ask me if my feet got wet.


  • Dutch: korjaal
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