


From konst (art) + paus (pause). Compare German Kunstpause.


konstpaus c

  1. a pause for (rhetorical, or sometimes musical) effect, like for example a dramatic pause
    "Vi kommer aldrig" – han höjde ett darrande pekfinger och gjorde en liten konstpaus – "ALDRIG att vika oss för er!"
    "We will never" – he raised a trembling index finger and paused briefly for effect [made a little dramatic pause] – "NEVER give in [fold ourselves] to you!"
    Jag behövde ingen betänketid. Det var en konstpaus.
    I didn't need time to think about it. It was a dramatic [art] pause. (jocular usage)


Declension of konstpaus 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative konstpaus konstpausen konstpauser konstpauserna
Genitive konstpaus konstpausens konstpausers konstpausernas


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