


kerrottaa + -uttaa


  • IPA(key): /ˈkerːotutːɑːˣ/, [ˈk̟e̞rːo̞ˌt̪ut̪ːɑ̝ː(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -utːɑː
  • Syllabification(key): ker‧ro‧tut‧taa



  1. (transitive) to have (something) told


Inflection of kerrotuttaa (Kotus type 53*C/muistaa, tt-t gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. kerrotutan en kerrotuta 1st sing. olen kerrotuttanut en ole kerrotuttanut
2nd sing. kerrotutat et kerrotuta 2nd sing. olet kerrotuttanut et ole kerrotuttanut
3rd sing. kerrotuttaa ei kerrotuta 3rd sing. on kerrotuttanut ei ole kerrotuttanut
1st plur. kerrotutamme emme kerrotuta 1st plur. olemme kerrotuttaneet emme ole kerrotuttaneet
2nd plur. kerrotutatte ette kerrotuta 2nd plur. olette kerrotuttaneet ette ole kerrotuttaneet
3rd plur. kerrotuttavat eivät kerrotuta 3rd plur. ovat kerrotuttaneet eivät ole kerrotuttaneet
passive kerrotutetaan ei kerrotuteta passive on kerrotutettu ei ole kerrotutettu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. kerrotutin en kerrotuttanut 1st sing. olin kerrotuttanut en ollut kerrotuttanut
2nd sing. kerrotutit et kerrotuttanut 2nd sing. olit kerrotuttanut et ollut kerrotuttanut
3rd sing. kerrotutti ei kerrotuttanut 3rd sing. oli kerrotuttanut ei ollut kerrotuttanut
1st plur. kerrotutimme emme kerrotuttaneet 1st plur. olimme kerrotuttaneet emme olleet kerrotuttaneet
2nd plur. kerrotutitte ette kerrotuttaneet 2nd plur. olitte kerrotuttaneet ette olleet kerrotuttaneet
3rd plur. kerrotuttivat eivät kerrotuttaneet 3rd plur. olivat kerrotuttaneet eivät olleet kerrotuttaneet
passive kerrotutettiin ei kerrotutettu passive oli kerrotutettu ei ollut kerrotutettu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. kerrotuttaisin en kerrotuttaisi 1st sing. olisin kerrotuttanut en olisi kerrotuttanut
2nd sing. kerrotuttaisit et kerrotuttaisi 2nd sing. olisit kerrotuttanut et olisi kerrotuttanut
3rd sing. kerrotuttaisi ei kerrotuttaisi 3rd sing. olisi kerrotuttanut ei olisi kerrotuttanut
1st plur. kerrotuttaisimme emme kerrotuttaisi 1st plur. olisimme kerrotuttaneet emme olisi kerrotuttaneet
2nd plur. kerrotuttaisitte ette kerrotuttaisi 2nd plur. olisitte kerrotuttaneet ette olisi kerrotuttaneet
3rd plur. kerrotuttaisivat eivät kerrotuttaisi 3rd plur. olisivat kerrotuttaneet eivät olisi kerrotuttaneet
passive kerrotutettaisiin ei kerrotutettaisi passive olisi kerrotutettu ei olisi kerrotutettu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. kerrotuta älä kerrotuta 2nd sing.
3rd sing. kerrotuttakoon älköön kerrotuttako 3rd sing. olkoon kerrotuttanut älköön olko kerrotuttanut
1st plur. kerrotuttakaamme älkäämme kerrotuttako 1st plur.
2nd plur. kerrotuttakaa älkää kerrotuttako 2nd plur.
3rd plur. kerrotuttakoot älkööt kerrotuttako 3rd plur. olkoot kerrotuttaneet älkööt olko kerrotuttaneet
passive kerrotutettakoon älköön kerrotutettako passive olkoon kerrotutettu älköön olko kerrotutettu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. kerrotuttanen en kerrotuttane 1st sing. lienen kerrotuttanut en liene kerrotuttanut
2nd sing. kerrotuttanet et kerrotuttane 2nd sing. lienet kerrotuttanut et liene kerrotuttanut
3rd sing. kerrotuttanee ei kerrotuttane 3rd sing. lienee kerrotuttanut ei liene kerrotuttanut
1st plur. kerrotuttanemme emme kerrotuttane 1st plur. lienemme kerrotuttaneet emme liene kerrotuttaneet
2nd plur. kerrotuttanette ette kerrotuttane 2nd plur. lienette kerrotuttaneet ette liene kerrotuttaneet
3rd plur. kerrotuttanevat eivät kerrotuttane 3rd plur. lienevät kerrotuttaneet eivät liene kerrotuttaneet
passive kerrotutettaneen ei kerrotutettane passive lienee kerrotutettu ei liene kerrotutettu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st kerrotuttaa present kerrotuttava kerrotutettava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st kerrotuttaakseni kerrotuttaaksemme
2nd kerrotuttaaksesi kerrotuttaaksenne
3rd kerrotuttaakseen
past kerrotuttanut kerrotutettu
2nd inessive2 kerrotuttaessa kerrotutettaessa agent3 kerrotuttama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st kerrotuttaessani kerrotuttaessamme
2nd kerrotuttaessasi kerrotuttaessanne
3rd kerrotuttaessaan
negative kerrotuttamaton
instructive kerrotuttaen 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
4) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
* The third-person singular indicative form kerrotuttaa does not exhibit final gemination,
unlike the first infinitive (the lemma form), even though they are spelled identically.

3rd inessive kerrotuttamassa
elative kerrotuttamasta
illative kerrotuttamaan
adessive kerrotuttamalla
abessive kerrotuttamatta
instructive kerrotuttaman kerrotutettaman
4th4 verbal noun kerrotuttaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st kerrotuttamaisillani kerrotuttamaisillamme
2nd kerrotuttamaisillasi kerrotuttamaisillanne
3rd kerrotuttamaisillaan
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