


From kamp (fight) + hund (dog).


kamphund c

  1. an attack dog used in dogfighting
  2. (colloquial, sometimes derogatory) a dog of a breed historically used in dogfighting (or with admixture of such breeds), like a pit bull terrier
    Kunde han inte skaffat en golden retriever eller nåt istället för en jäkla kamphund?
    Couldn't he have gotten a Golden Retriever or something instead of a bloody fighting dog?

Usage notes

Sometimes more generally about dogs thought to be scary.


Declension of kamphund 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative kamphund kamphunden kamphundar kamphundarna
Genitive kamphunds kamphundens kamphundars kamphundarnas


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