Conjugation of jopy
singular | plural | |||||||
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person inclusive |
1st person exclusive |
2nd person | 3rd person | ||
active | ||||||||
indicative | che ajopy | nde rejopy | ha'e ojopy | ñande jajopy | ore rojopy | peẽ pejopy | ha'ekuéra ojopy/ojopy hikuái | |
hortative | tajopy che | terejopy nde | tojopy ha'e | tajajopy ñande | tarojopy ore | tapejopy peẽ | tojopy ha'ekuéra/hikuái | |
imperative | - | ejopy | - | - | - | pejopy | - | |
passive | ||||||||
indicative | che ajejopy | nde rejejopy | ha'e ojejopy | ñande jajejopy | ore rojejopy | peẽ pejejopy | ha'ekuéra ojejopy/ojejopy hikuái | |
hortative | tajejopy che | terejejopy nde | tojejopy ha'e | tajajejopy ñande | tarojejopy ore | tapejejopy peẽ | tojejopy ha'ekuéra/hikuái | |
imperative | - | ejejopy | - | - | - | pejejopy | - | |
reciprocal | ||||||||
indicative | - | - | - | ñande jajojopy | ore rojojopy | peẽ pejojopy | ha'ekuéra ojojopy/ojojopy hikuái | |
hortative | - | - | - | tajajojopy ñande | tarojojopy ore | tapejojopy peẽ | tojojopy ha'ekuéra/hikuái | |
imperative | - | - | - | - | - | pejojopy | - | |
coactive | ||||||||
indicative | che ambojopy | nde rembojopy | ha'e ombojopy | ñande ñambojopy | ore rombojopy | peẽ pembojopy | ha'ekuéra ombojopy/ombojopy hikuái | |
hortative | tambojopy che | terembojopy nde | tombojopy ha'e | tañambojopy ñande | tarombojopy ore | tapembojopy peẽ | tombojopy ha'ekuéra/hikuái | |
imperative | - | embojopy | - | - | - | pembojopy | - | |
objective | ||||||||
indicative | che arojopy/aguerojopy | nde rerojopy/reguerojopy | ha'e orojopy/oguerojopy | ñande jarojopy/jaguerojopy | ore rorojopy/roguerojopy | peẽ perojopy/peguerojopy | ha'ekuéra orojopy/oguerojopy//orojopy/oguerojopy hikuái | |
hortative | tarojopy/taguerojopy che | tererojopy/tereguerojopy nde | torojopy/toguerojopy ha'e | tajarojopy/tajaguerojopy ñande | tarorojopy/taroguerojopy ore | taperojopy/tapeguerojopy peẽ | torojopy/toguerojopy ha'ekuéra/hikuái | |
imperative | - | erojopy/eguerojopy | - | - | - | perojopy/peguerojopy | - | |
subsuntive¹ | ||||||||
indicative | che aporojopy/amba'ejopy | nde reporojopy/remba'ejopy | ha'e oporojopy/omba'ejopy | ñande japorojopy/ñamba'ejopy | ore roporojopy/romba'ejopy | peẽ peporojopy/pemba'ejopy | ha'ekuéra oporojopy/omba'ejopy//oporojopy/omba'ejopy hikuái | |
hortative | taporojopy/tamba'ejopy che | tereporojopy/teremba'ejopy nde | toporojopy/tomba'ejopy ha'e | tajaporojopy/tañamba'ejopy ñande | taroporojopy/taromba'ejopy ore | tapeporojopy/tapemba'ejopy peẽ | toporojopy/tomba'ejopy ha'ekuéra/hikuái | |
imperative | - | eporojopy/emba'ejopy | - | - | - | peporojopy/pemba'ejopy | - | |
¹: the subsuntive forms with -poro- are used with humans, while the forms with -mba'e- are used with animals. |
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