


From jebao + te as originally used in expressions with a following noun X, literally ‘X fucked you’ or (with a jussive interpretation) ‘may X fuck you’.


jebote (Cyrillic spelling јеботе)

  1. (vulgar) fuck, holy shit, for fuck's sake (expressing surprise or frustration)
    Kako si uradio test?How did you do on the test?
    Aaa, jebote, nisam ništa znao!Aaah! For fuck's sake! I didn't know anything!
    Koliko si para dobio?How much money did you get?
    Jebote, pedeset?!Holy shit! Only fifty?!
  2. (vulgar) used as an intensifier
    Gd(j)e si, jebote, bio c(ij)elo ovo vr(ij)eme?Where the fuck have you been all this time?!
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