ja ke



Ido ja + ke

Borrowed from Italian giacché. (cf. Spanish ya que)


  • IPA(key): /ˈʒake/, /ˈd͡ʒake/


ja ke

  1. (neologism, rare) now that, seeing that, considering, as, forasmuch, inasmuch as, since, because
    Synonyms: pro ke, quoniam, kom ja
    Ja ke el esis nefidela, il abandonis el.
    Since she was unfaithful, he abandoned her.

Usage notes

A more recently coined word, *quoniam has been introduced by some speakers to compliment pro ke. The intended difference is that the former introduces the cause, reason or motive, while the latter reveals it. The best way to express the example above using ja ke would be: Il abandonis el, ja ke el esis nefidela, having the sense of: Ja il abandonis el, (pro) ke el esis nefidela.

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