

Alternative forms

  • issue fic


issue + fic


issuefic (uncountable)

  1. (fandom slang) Fan fiction which explores or comments upon social and/or political issues.
    • 2005, Rhiannon Bury, Cyberspaces of Their Own: Female Fandoms Online, page 92:
      Even a gay identification, though, did not lead to the endorsement of gay politics. As noted earlier in the chapter, the respondents expressed a dislike of "issue fic."
    • 2017, Elliot Aaron Director, "Something Queer In His Make-Up: Genderbending, Omegaverses, And Fandom's Discontents", dissertation submitted to Bowling Green State University, page 126:
      This story also appeared to me to be an “issue fic” by virtue of its handling of a character who was still in the process of transitioning (or recently had) and who specifically acknowledged fearing transphobia within the text, in addition to tags about “misunderstandings” and “self confidence issues.”
    • 2018, Lucy Neville, Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys: Women and Gay Male Pornography and Erotica, page 274:
      As one woman in my study explains, 'I don't read [issue fic] because a lot focuses on 'queer culture' and despite being a queer woman myself, I find it alienating feels like I'm being spoken for, and plus I don't read erotica to learn lessons' (American, 25-34, single, bisexual).
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:issuefic.
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