


  • (file)



  1. inside, within, in
    En xenomorph levde inuti hennes kropp
    An xenomorph lived inside her body


inuti (not comparable)

  1. on the inside
    Jag undrar hur en tennisboll ser ut inuti
    I wonder what a tennis ball looks like on the inside

Usage notes

Inne i sounds better for being inside a house, as inuti puts a weird emphasis on the location as within ("in the bowels of") the house (possibly also stuck in a wall). Inne i implies a point of entry and plenty of space, while inuti sounds cramped and/or inaccessible. It is perfectly understandable either way though.

  • Jag är inne i husetI'm inside the house

For a building one is normally inside for a particular reason (with which it is associated), like a club, a museum, a hospital, or a station building at a train station, inne på is common, putting less emphasis on the building itself and more emphasis on the activity it's associated with. This is also used for attending social media.

  • Jag är inne på klubbenI'm in (inside) the club
  • Jag är inne på stationenI'm in the station building
  • Jag är inne på FacebookI'm logged onto Facebook

Dropping the inne makes things even less about the building.

  • Jag är klubbenI'm at (attending) the club
  • Jag är stationenI'm at the train station
  • Jag är FacebookI'm on Facebook (have an account)
  • Jag är vid klubbenI'm at (standing outside) the club (for comparison)

For attending school, i is also common.

  • Jag är i skolanI'm at school



See also

Further reading

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