Compare Norwegian Bokmål innstille, Swedish inställa, German einstellen, Dutch instellen.
indstille (past tense indstillede, past participle indstillet)
- (technology) set, tune, adjust
- Hun indstiller apparatet (på/til standardfunktion).
- She is setting the device (to/at default function).
Stolen kan indstilles i højden.- The chair can be adjusted in height.
indstille en kikkert (et gevær) på noget- train/focus a telescope (a gun) on something
- indstille nogen på: prepare somebody for; make somebody realise or accept; make somebody willing (for something, to do something)
- Jeg har indstillet hende på at arbejde hårdere
- I have prepared her for working harder, I have made her willing to work harder.
Hun indstillede ham på riskoen for tab.- She prepared him for the risk of losses, she made him consider the risk of losses.
Vi må indstille os på forholdene.- We must take into regard the conditions, we must adapt to the conditions.
Jeg har indstillet mig på at det er svært.- I have realised that it is difficult, I have accepted the fact that it is difficult.
- Corresponds to indstilling (til noget): attitude (to something)
- discontinue, suspend, cease, stop, cancel
- indstille skydningen
- cease firing (shooting)
indstille driften/forretningen- terminate the operation/business
indstille arbejdet/produktionen- discontinue/suspend the work/production
indstille/nedlægge arbejdet- also: go on strike
indstille efterforskningen/eftersøgningen- call off the investigation/search
Sejladsen er indstillet på grund af vind.- Navigation is suspended due to winds
indstille for i dag- cease for today
midlertidig indstillet- temporarily suspended
varigt/permanent indstillet- permanently discontinued
- recommend, propose, advice, set up (for approval) (a preparatory body recommending a decisive body to do a final decision)
- Forvaltningen indstiller (til byrådet), at forslaget godkendes.
- The administration recommends (to the city council) that the proposal be approved.
Ansættelsesudvalget indstillede en ansøger til stillingen.- The appointments committee nominated an applicant for the position.
indstille til godkendelse- propose for approval
indstille nogen til eksamen- enter somebody for an examination
indstille sig til eksamen- sign (oneself) up for an examination
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