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iedzert (transitive, 1st conjugation, present iedzeru, iedzer, iedzer, past iedzēru)
- to drink, to have a drink (to ingest a certain, usually small, amount of a liquid)
- iedzert glāzi ūdens ― to drink a glass of water
- iedzert tasi kafijas ― to drink a cup of coffee
- iedzert limonādi ― to drink (some) lemonade
- iedzert zāles ― to take (lit. drink) medicine
- iedzert aspirīnu, vitamīnus ― to take (lit. drink) aspirine, vitamins
- viņš ir (kaut) ko indīgu iedzēris ― he has drunk something poisonous
- apsēdies, iedzer glāzi piena ― sit down and drink a glass of milk
- esam nosaluši, jāiedzer karsta tēja ― we are frozen, (we) must drink (some) hot tea
- Tāle stāvēja ar ūdens krūzi pie gultas: “iedzeriet, tad jums paliks labāk”, viņa teica ― Tāle stood by the bed with a pitcher of water: “have a drink, you'll feel better,” she said
- to have a drink (to drink a certain, usually small, amount of an alcoholic beverage)
- viņš mīl iedzert ― he loves to drink, to have a drink
- labs traktorists, tikai iedzer un neprot dejot ― a good tractor driver, he just has a drink and (then) he can't dance
- ja gribi iedzert, tad vajag ar mēru ― if you want to drink, then (you) must (do so) with moderation
- iedzert uz kāda veselību ― to drink to someone's health
- iedzersim, godātie biedri, uz viņa krietni un godīgi nodzīvoto darba vīra mūžu ― let us drink, honorable comrades, to his well-lived, honest workman's life
conjugation of iedzert
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