


From ie- + dzert (to drink).




iedzert (transitive, 1st conjugation, present iedzeru, iedzer, iedzer, past iedzēru)

  1. to drink, to have a drink (to ingest a certain, usually small, amount of a liquid)
    iedzert glāzi ūdensto drink a glass of water
    iedzert tasi kafijasto drink a cup of coffee
    iedzert limonādito drink (some) lemonade
    iedzert zālesto take (lit. drink) medicine
    iedzert aspirīnu, vitamīnusto take (lit. drink) aspirine, vitamins
    viņš ir (kaut) ko indīgu iedzērishe has drunk something poisonous
    apsēdies, iedzer glāzi pienasit down and drink a glass of milk
    esam nosaluši, jāiedzer karsta tējawe are frozen, (we) must drink (some) hot tea
    Tāle stāvēja ar ūdens krūzi pie gultas:iedzeriet, tad jums paliks labāk”, viņa teicaTāle stood by the bed with a pitcher of water: “have a drink, you'll feel better,” she said
  2. to have a drink (to drink a certain, usually small, amount of an alcoholic beverage)
    viņš mīl iedzerthe loves to drink, to have a drink
    labs traktorists, tikai iedzer un neprot dejota good tractor driver, he just has a drink and (then) he can't dance
    ja gribi iedzert, tad vajag ar mēruif you want to drink, then (you) must (do so) with moderation
    iedzert uz kāda veselībuto drink to someone's health
    iedzersim, godātie biedri, uz viņa krietni un godīgi nodzīvoto darba vīra mūžulet us drink, honorable comrades, to his well-lived, honest workman's life


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