


From ie- + dot (give).




iedot (transitive, no conjugation, present iedodu, iedod, iedod, past iedevu)

  1. to give, to hand, so that someone takes it
    iedot bērnam āboluto give a child an apple
    iedot kasierei nauduto give money to the cashier
    iedot draugam grāmatu izlasītto give a friend a book to read
    iedot bērnam ēst, dzertto give a child (something) to eat, to drink
    iedot savu telefona numuruto give (someone) one's telephone nubmer
    iedot rokuto give (someone) a hand (= to help)
    nāc, es iedošu tev teju, vēl ir karstacome, I'll givev you tea, it's still hot
    Andriksons iedeva Līzei savu lāpstu un aizgājaAndriksons gave Līze his shovel and went away
  2. to give (to transfer possession, to allow access; to allow or permit that something happens)
    tēvs mums labu zemi iedevafather gave us good land
    šo dzīvokli fabrika iedeva mumsthe factory gave us this apartment
    viņam iedeva prēmijuhe was given an award
    iedot brīvdienasto give (someone) holidays
    viņam iedots pirmais patstāvīgais darbshe was given (his) first independent work
    man pusotra gada par zādzībām iedotsI was given a year and a half (in jail) for larceny
  3. to give (to cause a mental or physiological state)
    iedot priekuto give (= cause) pleasure, joy
    mēs viņam iedosim dūšu pusgadamwe will give him courage/support for half a year
  4. (colloquial) to give (a blow, a slap, etc.), to hit
    iedot pa ausito give (= hit) (someone) on the ear
    iedot plaukuto give (someone) a slap
    viņa iedeva vecim spēcīgu dūri mugurāshe gave the old man a strong punch (lit. fist) on the back

Usage notes

Iedot is often nearly synonymous with dot, differing only in accentuating the completion ('perfectiveness') of the action.


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