hors de
- (aspirated h) IPA(key): /ɔʁ də/
France (Lyon) (file)
- out of, outside
- hors de cause ― uninvolved, innocent
- hors de combat ― hors de combat
- hors de contrôle ― out of control
- hors de danger ― out of the woods
- hors de page ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- hors de pair ― peerless
- hors de portée ― out of reach
- hors de prix ― priceless
- hors de proportion ― out of proportion, disproportionate
- hors de propos ― beside the point, irrelevant
- hors de question ― out of the question
- hors de saison ― at an inopportune moment, inopportunely
- hors de soi ― beside oneself
- hors d’affaire ― out of the woods
- hors d’âge ― very old, ageless
- hors d’atteinte ― out of reach
- hors d’état de nuire ― harmless
- hors d’haleine ― out of breath
- hors d’œuvre ― separate from the main work
- hors d’usage ― out of order
- hors du commun ― out of the ordinary
- hors du coup ― out of the loop
- hors des clous ― not abiding by the rules
- hors des sentiers battus ― off the beaten path
- hors de l’Église, point de salut ― there is no salvation outside the Church
- garder la tête hors de l’eau ― to keep one's head above water
See also
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