


Blend of hope + hypnosis, in reference to the Barack Obama "Hope" poster.


  • IPA(key): /həʊpˈnəʊsɪs/
  • (file)


hopenosis (uncountable)

  1. (US politics, slang, rare, derogatory) Credulous political enthusiasm for Barack Obama.
    • 2009 January 22, Alex Knepper, “Obama's cabinet appointments contradict with message”, in The Mirror (Fairfield University), volume 34, number 15, page 3:
      But what should the Obama Cult do now? The man has turned off the switch on the "Hopenosis" and has revealed the "Change Brigade" for the useful idiots they were.
    • 2009 February 27, AllEmailDeletedImmediately [username], “Re: What's Up With Food Prices?”, in misc.consumers.frugal-living (Usenet):
      they've all by [sic] hopenotized by the hopenosis of the obamanation.


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