


Misrepresentation, often intentional, of hoodlum as containing the Latinistic -um suffix, whose plural is -a.



  1. (nonstandard, humorous) plural of hoodlum
    • 1971, Isaac Asimov, Treasury of Humor, Houghton Mifflin Company, page 177:
      I was passing the corner of Second and Main when, without provocation of any sort on my part, I was suddenly assaulted by two hoodla.
    • 1988, James W. Muller, The Revival of Constitutionalism, page 112:
      Our indignation at a gang of hoodla who beat and kill an old woman for “kicks”
    • December 20, 1999, Jeff T. Anonymous, “Re: A.F.P-R Therapy Session”, in alt.fan.power-rangers (Usenet):
      Jeff et al pursue the loose hoodla on Galaxy Gliders at Maximum Speed.
    • March 17, 2003, bob geary, “Re: Returning bottles”, in alt.fan.cecil-adams (Usenet):
      And which bums explained the strategy behind it, so you wouldn't attribute it to young hoodla?
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