



  1. present participle and gerund of hazard


hazarding (plural hazardings)

  1. Something hazarded or ventured; a guess or speculation.
    • 1922, Edwin Balmer, The Breath of Scandal:
      The possessors of some of the homes on the Drive were more than mere names to him; for he had been a guest at an occasional semi-public entertainment in certain of the mansions he passed. But it never occurred to Gregg to dream of owning one of them; indeed, his hazardings of his future were altogether too vague to picture himself founding a family.
    • 1931, Lionel Britton, Hunger and Love, page 301:
      You see the vague speculations of Democritus becoming precise in Dalton, the cloudy hazardings of Pythagoras set solid in figures by Kepler; here is the balance, there is the yard-stick; number one is the principle of all things; []
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