



  1. (rare) superlative form of happily: most happily
    • 1653 [i.e., 1652], Francesco Carmeni, anonymous translator, Nissena, an Excellent New Romance: Written Originally in Italian by Francesco Carmeni; and Now Englished by an Honorable Anti-Socordist, London: [] Humphrey Moseley [], pages 5–6; republished in Early English Books Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Text Creation Partnership, p. 2011:
      The houre and place were appointed, which was to be the fatall moment and Capitoll to the Triumph of that Beauty which should happiliest incounter the Genius of those Pa∣ris'es, who being to be Judges, the older they were, would be the less passionate in fa∣vourably deciding the question wheron the possession not of an Aple, but of a Crown did depend.
    • 1655, George Wharton, Apotelesma: or, The Nativity of the World, and the Revolution Thereof, with Astrologicall Judgements Thereupon, London: [] Tho[mas] Vere [], and Nath[aniel] Brook [], page 29; republished in Early English Books Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Text Creation Partnership, p. 2011:
      Now, to know the particular persons concerned therein, and on whom their▪ Effects shall fall, the Happiliest or Heaviest, it were requisite that I first knew and perused their respective Genitures; []
    • 1659, H[enry] D[awbeny], Historie & Policie Re-viewed, in the Heroick Transactions of His Most Serene Highnesse, Oliver, Late Lord Protector; From His Cradle, to His Tomb: [], London: [] Nathaniel Brook, [], page 172; republished in Early English Books Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Text Creation Partnership, p. 2011:
      Now, not to trouble you with a literal translation (for I hold the words not worth it) he tells us, That he would not have a Prince addicted to too much De∣votion; nor to affect to be a little Saint: he sayes his prayers best (quoth he) that does his businesse happiliest, &c.
    • 1675, Beraldus, Prince of Savoy, a Novel. In Two Parts. Translated out of French by a Person of Quality., London: [] W. Grantham [], and J. Crump [], pages 10–11:
      I paſs’d my Youth the happilieſt in the World, the Duke of Saxony my Father, dying in my Infancy, and leaving the Emperor Otho, [?] Brother, Guardian of his three Children, with power of diſpoſing of the Dutchy of Saxony, to which he ſhould judge moſt worthy, I had the good fortune, at the finiſhing my Exerciſes, to be very agreeable to the Emperor; and at the ſame time, to ſee my ſelf (If I may without vanity ſay it) the Love of all the Ladies of his Court.
    • 1728, John Strype, Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, in the Church of England. [], volume III, London: [] Edward Symon, [], page 379:
      Where on the other ſide, carrying him with that Moderation that becomes a Prince of his Perfection and Education, and is neceſſary in this remedileſs Accident, he ſhall both in the mean while, happilieſt provide for his own Security, and for the Time to come through his kind of good Uſage of her Majeſty, who hath deſerved ſo greatly at his Hands, win unto himſelf the Hearts, Good-will and Affection of the whole Body of the Realm.
    • 2004 February 15, Cory C. Albrecht, “Why Janet Jackass's tit on tv was a bad thing”, in alt.fan.howard-stern (Usenet), archived from the original on 2023-12-31:
      The thing is, a woman's sexual power does exist, and every guy knows this. Even if he is the happiliest attached man on the planet who would never cheat on his partner, when a sexy woman enters the room for damn sure he notices her.
    • 2005 November 5, Mimi Cohen, “Disabled woman set on fire as Paris riots spread”, in alt.california (Usenet), archived from the original on 2023-12-31:
      What I'd like to say to you and only you, is you really ought to get a life, pretty sad that you track my posts and even create a thread in my name. *IF* I weren't already the happiliest married woman on the planet I *MIGHT* be flattered.... no I've thought about it, I wouldn't be flattered even if I *WEREN'T* the happiliest married woman on the planet.
    • 2008 May 9, Gina Keating, “Ashton Kutcher is world's "happiliest" married man”, in Reuters, archived from the original on 31 December 2023:
      The planet's "happiliest" married man, Ashton Kutcher, was once a champion carouser until he met his wife five years ago and became a changed man. [] "I knew she was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with," he said. "I am the happiliest -- I think I just invented that word -- married guy on the planet."
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