
See also: hantelē




Borrowed from Russian ганте́ль (gantélʹ).




hantele f (5th declension)

  1. dumbbell (a physical exercise tool consisting of two spherical or disk-shaped weights attached to a short bar, used to strengthen one's arm muscles)
    cilāt hantelesto lift dumbbells
    rīta rosme ar hantelēmmorning activity (= exercise) with dumbbells
    hanteli izmanto vienu vai arī pārī ar citu hanteli (abām rokām reizē)a dumbbell can be used alone, or together with another dumbbell (both hands at once)
    neviens nav tik daudz vingrojis ar hantelēm kā viņš: citīgi, sistemātiski, pēc tabulāmnobody has (ever) exercised so much with dumbbells as he (has): diligently, systematically, with tables
    Senajā Grieķijā vingrojumi ar hantelēm bija viens no fiziskās audzināšanas paņēmieniemin Ancient Greece, exercises with dumbbells were one of the techniques of physical education


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