hangot ad



  • IPA(key): [ˈhɒŋɡotɒd]


hangot ad

  1. (literally) to emit, make, produce, utter, give out some sound, to vocalize
    Synonyms: hangot ad ki, megszólal, felcsendül, felhangzik
    tompa hangot adto make a muffled sound
    Milyen hangot ad a róka?What does the fox say? (literally, “What sound does the fox give?”)
  2. (idiomatic, with -nak/-nek) to voice, give voice to, express, utter (opinion, intention, sentiment, hope, [dis]satisfaction, [dis]like, concern, grievance etc.)


  • For the verb, see ad.
  • The inflected noun hangot remains unchanged.
  • hangadás
  • hangadó
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