
Laulības gredzens (1)

Koka gredzeni (3)

Dūmu gredzeni (3)
From an earlier (unattested) Latvian adjective *gregs (“turned, twisted, woven”) or noun *gred(z)is (“bay, bent”) (cf. place names like Gredzups) + -ens, from a verb *gregt (“to turn, to twist, to weave, to braid”), from Proto-Baltic *greg-, from Proto-Indo-European *gerg-, *greg-, from a stem *ger- (“to turn, to twist”) (whence also griezt (“to turn”), q.v.) with an extra -g. The original meaning was “turned, bent, woven thing” > “round woven thing (like a wreath)” > “ring.” Cognates include Old Prussian graudis (corrected to grandis), Old Norse krākr (“bending, bay, hook”), Middle English crinkled (“turned, twisted”), English crinkle, Dutch krinkel (“loop, noose”).[1]
- IPA(key): [ɡɾædzæns]
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gredzens m (1st declension)
- ring (round piece of metal worn around the finger as a jewel or as a symbol)
- gredzens ar dārgakmeni ― ring with a precious stone
- zelta, briljanta, rubīna gredzens ― golden, diamond, ruby ring
- dāvināt gradzenu ― to give a ring
- laulības gredzens ― a wedding ring
- Vilma savu laulības gredzenu bija atstājusi mājās, jo tā tikai tāda veca mode: staigāt visur ar riņķi pirkstā ― Vilma had left her wedding ring home, because that was just an old fashion: to go everywhere with the ring in (one's) finger
- ikdienas rota senlatviešiem bija gredzeni... tos nēsāja uz abu roku visiem pirkstiem, izņemot īkšķi... bieži vien vienu pirkstu rotāja pat vairāki gredzeni ― rings were an everyday ornament of ancient Latvians... they wore them on all fingers of both hands, except for the thumb... often (they) adorned one finger with several rings
- ring (round piece of metal covering another circular or cylindrical object)
- virzuļa gredzens ― piston ring
- noņemt putnam no kājas gredzenu ― to remove the ring from a bird's legs
- ring (something with the form of a ring (1, 2) or spiral)
- koka gadskārtu gredzeni ― tree annual rings
- Saturna gredzeni ― Saturn's rings
- nervu gredzens ― nerve ring
- izpūst gaisā dūmu gredzenus ― to blow smoke rings in the air
- (sa)griezt gredzenā ― to cut (something) in a circle (= creating a circular or spiral shape)
- čūska saritinājās gredzenā ― the snake rolled itself up into a ring
- (literature) circle, circular (principle for composing works of art so that their end is equal or similar to their beginning)
- romāns radīts pēc gredzena principā ― a roman written according to the principle of circularity
Declension of gredzens (1st declension)
singular (vienskaitlis) | plural (daudzskaitlis) | |
nominative (nominatīvs) | gredzens | gredzeni |
accusative (akuzatīvs) | gredzenu | gredzenus |
genitive (ģenitīvs) | gredzena | gredzenu |
dative (datīvs) | gredzenam | gredzeniem |
instrumental (instrumentālis) | gredzenu | gredzeniem |
locative (lokatīvs) | gredzenā | gredzenos |
vocative (vokatīvs) | gredzen | gredzeni |
Derived terms
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “gredzens”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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