
From Latin gobius (“gudgeon”), from Ancient Greek κωβιός (kōbiós), a type of small fish, of unknown ultimate origin. See also gudgeon.
- IPA(key): /ˈɡəʊbi/
Audio (Southern England) (file)
- Any of various small fish from the large family Gobiidae, in which the pelvic fins are fused to form a disc-shaped sucker.
- A gudgeon of fish of the subfamily Gobioninae, such as Gobio gobio.
- 1966, Oceanology, page 321:
- For acclimatization in the Barents Sea he recommends using the fish fauna of East Kamchatka and the Bering Sea, especially the Atka mackerel, the Goby Gobio gobio lepidolaemus (half scaled goby) and a species of flatfish, in the […]
- 1980, Erik Carp, Directory of Wetlands of International Importance in the Western Palearctic, IUCN, →ISBN, page 70:
- Other fish species include Barbel Barbus barbus, Goby Gobio gobio, Minnow Phoxinus phoxinus, Dace Leuciscus leuciscus, Chub Leuciscus cephalus, Ide Leuciscus idus, Nase Chondrostona nasus, Burbot Lota lota, Pike Esox lucius […]
- 1997, Journal of Ichthyology, page 463:
- [...] undermonth Chondrostoma nasus, bleak Alburnus alburnus, goby Gobio gobio, pine Esox lucius, perch Perca fluviatilis, ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus, spiny loach Cobitis taenia, stone loach Nemacheilus barbatulus, sculpin Cottus gobio, and burbot Lota lota (Pavlov et al., 1981).
Derived terms
terms derived from goby
- Amur goby (Rhinogobius similis)
- atomgoby
- black goby (Gobius niger, Gobiopsis atrata)
- burrowing goby (Croilia mossambica, Trypauchen vagina)
- common goby (Pomatoschistus microps, Pomatoschistus minutus, Bathygobius spp., etc.)
- coral goby (Pleurosicya micheli)
- coralgoby (Gobiodon citrinus)
- dartgoby, dart goby, dart-goby (Parioglossus marginalis)
- dwarfgoby, dwarf goby (Eviota, Knipowitschia, Pandaka, Trimma, Trimmatom spp.)
- dwarf goby (Lythrypnus elasson)
- eel goby (Taenioides cirratus)
- fairygoby (Tryssogobius spp.)
- freshwater goby (Awaous aeneofuscus, Awaous lateristriga, Ctenogobius shufeldti, etc.)
- frill goby (Bathygobius fuscus)
- fringefin goby
- ghostgoby, ghost goby (Pleurosicya muscarum)
- glider goby, glidergody
- gobyeel
- mangrove goby (Acentrogobius spp., Mugilogobius spp., etc.)
- mud goby, mudgoby (Valenciennes limicola)
- naked goby (Croilia mossambica, Gobiosoma bosc)
- oyster goby (Arenigobius leftwichi)
- prawn goby (Amblyeleotris spp., Cryptocentrus spp.)
- pygmygoby
- reefgoby, reef-goby, reef goby (Priolepis spp.)
- river goby (Awaous banana, Awaous tajasica)
- sailfin goby (species, Myersina pretoriusi)
- sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus, Pomatoschistus montenegrensis, Fusigobius neophytus, Coryphopterus tortugae)
- shrimp goby, shrimpgoby (Amblyeleotris spp., Cryptocentrus spp.)
- silt goby (Gobiosoma seminudum)
- sleeper-goby
- sponge goby (Evermannichthys spongicola)
- Stevcic's goby (Gorogobius stevcici)
- streamgoby
- true goby (Gobiidae spp.)
certain Gobiidae
gudgeon — see gudgeon
See also
goby on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
Gobiidae on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
Category:Gobiidae on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons
Gudgeon (fish) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- “goby”, in OneLook Dictionary Search.
- goby at Fishbase
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