See also: garantía
From English guarantee, French garantie, Italian garanzìa, Spanish garantía, Portuguese garantia and Russian гара́нтия (garántija), all ultimately from Old French guarantie.
- 1996, Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Interlingua, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Article 11:
- Tote persona accusate de un delicto ha le derecto de esser presumite innocente usque al momento quando su culpabilitate habera essite legalmente establite in un processo public e in le qual il habera essite assecurate tote le garantia necessari pro su defensa.
- Everyone charged with a crime has the right to be presumed innocent until the moment their guilt has been legally established in a public trial at which they have been assured all the guarantees necessary for their defence.
- Alexander Gode, Hugh E. Blair (1971) Interlingua: A Grammar of the International Language, 2nd edition, →ISBN, page 5
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