
See also: fýra


Elfdalian cardinal numbers
 <  3 4 5  > 
    Cardinal : fyra
    Ordinal : fiuord


From Old Norse fjórir, from Proto-Germanic *fedwōr. Cognate with Swedish fyra.



  1. four

Norwegian Bokmål

Alternative forms


fyra n

  1. definite plural of fyr (etymology 3)

Norwegian Nynorsk

Etymology 1

From Middle Low German firen.

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): /²fyːrɑ/


fyra (present tense fyrer, past tense fyrte, past participle fyrt, passive infinitive fyrast, present participle fyrande, imperative fyr)

  1. to fire (supply a fire with fuel)
  2. to fire (bake in a kiln)
  3. fyra (opp) - to light (a fire)
    • 1899, Marta Steinsvik, translated from Eugène Süe, Folkeliv i Paris:
      Og so lyt mor Pipelet kvar dag fyra i omnen, so ikkje dei fine møbli skal taka skade.
      And every day, mother Pipelet has to light up the fireplace, so the nice furniture does not get damaged.
  4. fyra (av) - to fire (a shot, rocket etc.)
    • 1890, Steinar Schjøtt, Norigs soga: Lærebok aat amts- og folkehøgskular:
      Svensken fyrte alt han orkad, daa Tordenskjold siglde inn, men han svarad inkje, fyrr han var komen heilt inn og kunne snu breidsida til.
      The Swede fired all he managed when Tordenskjold sailed in, but he did not reply before he had gotten all the way in and could turn his broadside towards them.
  5. (slang) to drink copious amounts of alcohol in a party setting
Derived terms


  • IPA(key): /ˈfyːrɑ/


fyra n

  1. definite plural of fyr



Swedish numbers (edit)
 ←  3 4 5  → 
    Cardinal: fyra
    Ordinal: fjärde
    Ordinal abbreviation: 4:e
    Multiplier: fyrfaldig
    Fractional: fjärdedel


  • IPA(key): /ˈfyːˌra/

Etymology 1

From Old Swedish fiurir, fiūri, fȳrir, fȳri, from Runic East Norse ᚠᛁᚢᚱᛁᛦ (fiuriʀ) (Old West Norse fjórir), from Proto-Germanic *fedwōr, from *kʷetwṓr, the neuter form of Proto-Indo-European *kʷetwóres.



  1. four
Coordinate terms
See also


fyra c

  1. four; the digit "4"
  2. fourth-grader; pupil in the fourth year of school
  3. a class of fourth-graders
  4. (uncountable, mainly used in the definite) the fourth year in school
    De barnen går i fyran.
    Those children are in fourth grade.
  5. (uncountable, mainly used in the definite) fourth gear
  6. a person who finishes a competition as number four
  7. an apartment with one kitchen and four rooms
Declension of fyra 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative fyra fyran fyror fyrorna
Genitive fyras fyrans fyrors fyrornas
See also

Etymology 2

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


fyra (present fyrar, preterite fyrade, supine fyrat, imperative fyra)

  1. to fire (a weapon, a rocket)


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