- IPA(key): [forˈtreni]
- Rhymes: -eni
- Hyphenation: for‧tre‧ni
fortreni (present fortrenas, past fortrenis, future fortrenos, conditional fortrenus, volitive fortrenu)
- to drag away; to drag off
- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, tr. L. L. Zamenhof, Act IV, scene 1:
- Hamleto en atako de frenezo
Mortigis Polonion kaj fortrenis
Kun si la korpon de la mortigito- Hamlet in an attack of insanity
Killed Polonius and dragged off
With him the body of the dead
- Hamlet in an attack of insanity
- Brothers Grimm, "Sesope oni trairas la tutan mondon" (English title: "How Six Made Their Way in the World"), tr. Kabe:
- "Kiom da oro li fortrenos!"
- "What a large amount of gold he'll drag off!"
- Edmund Privat, "La Tempo":
- Forkuras la tempo, forflugas senfine
Neniam trafante l'estonton celatan.
Ĝi vivon la nian fortrenas obstine
Kaj ŝovas nin kvazaŭ ŝafaron pelatan.- The time runs away, endlessly flies away
Never reaching the targeted future.
It stubbornly drags away our life
And shoves us like a herd of sheep being expelled.
- The time runs away, endlessly flies away
- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, tr. L. L. Zamenhof, Act IV, scene 1:
Conjugation of fortreni
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