


From for (away) + treni (drag).


  • IPA(key): [forˈtreni]
  • Rhymes: -eni
  • Hyphenation: for‧tre‧ni


fortreni (present fortrenas, past fortrenis, future fortrenos, conditional fortrenus, volitive fortrenu)

  1. to drag away; to drag off
    • William Shakespeare, Hamlet, tr. L. L. Zamenhof, Act IV, scene 1:
      Hamleto en atako de frenezo
      Mortigis Polonion kaj fortrenis
      Kun si la korpon de la mortigito
      Hamlet in an attack of insanity
      Killed Polonius and dragged off
      With him the body of the dead
    • Brothers Grimm, "Sesope oni trairas la tutan mondon" (English title: "How Six Made Their Way in the World"), tr. Kabe:
      "Kiom da oro li fortrenos!"
      "What a large amount of gold he'll drag off!"
    • Edmund Privat, "La Tempo":
      Forkuras la tempo, forflugas senfine
      Neniam trafante l'estonton celatan.
      Ĝi vivon la nian fortrenas obstine
      Kaj ŝovas nin kvazaŭ ŝafaron pelatan.
      The time runs away, endlessly flies away
      Never reaching the targeted future.
      It stubbornly drags away our life
      And shoves us like a herd of sheep being expelled.


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