


fire (four) + kant (edge)


firkant c (singular definite firkanten, plural indefinite firkanter)

  1. (geometry) A quadrangle. (quadrilateral polygon)
  2. (rare) foursome, sex act between four people
    • 2011, Joan Ørting, Vær åben: energi og glæde i parforholdet, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN, page 202:
      Vi skal ikke tro, at en trekant eller firkant kan redde vores nye forhold eller et skrantende sexliv.
      We must not believe that a threesome or foursome can save our new relationship or faltering sex life.
    • 2016, Klaus Rifbjerg, Tango eller Syv osmotiske fortællinger, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
      Man muss handlen![sic] Aussage machen. Hauptsätze, sozusagen! Derfor tænkte jeg mig heller ikke så meget om, men gjorde mig til spydspids for indre impulser. Jeg kom farende tilbage med disse bajere og foreslår jer nu en festlig firkant.
      One must act! Make a statement. Main clauses, so to speak! I therefore did not consider the matter at length, either, but made myself speartip of inner impulses. I came rushing back with these beers and now propose to you a festive foursome.
    • 2016, Elle Kennedy, translated by Merete Rostrup, Dømt ude: Off-campus 3, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
      Vi taler firkant med tre villige kvinder.
      We're talking a foursome with three willing women.




Derived terms



First attested in 1804. From the firk- stem of firkál + -ant (instantaneous verb-forming suffix). Created during the Hungarian language reform, which took place in the 18th–19th centuries.[1][2]


  • IPA(key): [ˈfirkɒnt]
  • Hyphenation: fir‧kant
  • Rhymes: -ɒnt



  1. (transitive) to scribble, scrawl, jot (to write hurriedly)


Derived terms

(With verbal prefixes):

  • aláfirkant
  • belefirkant
  • felfirkant
  • idefirkant
  • lefirkant
  • odafirkant
  • ráfirkant


  1. firkant in Zaicz, Gábor (ed.). Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (‘Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN.  (See also its 2nd edition.)
  2. Eőry, Vilma. Értelmező szótár+ (’Explanatory Dictionary Plus’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2007. →ISBN

Further reading

  • firkant in Bárczi, Géza and László Országh. A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (‘The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’, abbr.: ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992: →ISBN
  • firkant in Ittzés, Nóra (ed.). A magyar nyelv nagyszótára (‘A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006–2031 (work in progress; published A–ez as of 2024)

Norwegian Bokmål


From fire + kant.


firkant m (definite singular firkanten, indefinite plural firkanter, definite plural firkantene)

  1. (geometry) a quadrilateral (four-sided polygon)


Norwegian Nynorsk


From fire + kant.


firkant m (definite singular firkanten, indefinite plural firkantar, definite plural firkantane)

  1. (geometry) a quadrilateral (four-sided polygon)


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