


finans (finances) + lov (law)


finanslov c (singular definite finansloven, plural indefinite finanslove)

  1. The national budget of a state, especially the Danish state.
    • 1924, Gads danske magasin:
      Ifølge den franske Finanslov af 9/12 1923 er den franske Hærs Styrke 735.000 Mand, hvortil kommer de med Frankrig forbundne — eller sympatiserende — Magters Hære.
      According to the French national budget of the ninth of December, 1923, the size of the French army is 735,000 men, which does not include the armies of powers bound to — or sympathizing with — France.
    • 1918, Højskolebladet: tidende for folkelig oplysning:
      22. april forelagde Bonar Law den engelske finanslov for det følgende år.
      On the 22nd of April, Bonar Law presented the English national budget for the following year.
    • 1922, Hovedtraek af verdenshistorien fra 1866 til vore dage:
      Den engelske Finanslov gælder for selve det Aar, i hvilket den behandles.
      The English national budget are valid for the year in which it is treated.
    • 1938, Nordisk tidsskrift for international ret:
      April offentliggjordes den tyske Finanslov.
      In April, the German national budget was published.


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