far partire
Literally, “to make start”.
fàre partire (first-person singular present fàccio partire, first-person singular past historic féci partire, past participle fàtto partire, first-person singular imperfect facévo partire, second-person singular imperative fài partire or fà' partire, auxiliary avére)
- (transitive) to start; to get going
- Synonyms: avviare, mettere in moto
- fare partire l'economia ― to get the economy going
- quella fattura gli ha fatto partire le coronarie
- that bill got his coronaries going
- 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 22, in Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
- Facevo partire una canzone di Marvin Gaye, degli OutKast o di Nina Simone sul mio iPod e quello che aveva perso la sera prima doveva spaccare, e per la mezz’ora successiva giocavamo a Palla 8.
- I'd put on some Marvin Gaye or OutKast or Nina Simone from my iPod, and the loser from the previous night's game would rack, and for the next half hour or so we'd play eightball.
- (literally, “I started playing a song of Marvin Gaye, of OutKast or of Nina Simone on my iPod and the person who had lost the night before had to rack, and for the next half hour we played eightball.”)
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