



  1. (rare, nonstandard) Possessive case of fae.
    • 2021 July 24, Christina Orlando, “Monstrosity: On Rivers Solomon’s 'Sorrowland'”, in Los Angeles Review of Books:
      But familiarity with Solomon (fae/faer/faers)’s previous work led me to believe this would not be simply (for lack of a better phrase) torture porn.
    • 2022, Sherry Paris, You Can Make a Difference!: A Creative Workbook and Journal for Young Activists, page 117 (bolding in original altered for emphasis):
      Once we see Soul's gorgeous glass work, we immediately recognize the piece as theirs/faers because the because the bouquets are arranged in the shape of their/faer scars, which is a stylemark of Soul's art.
    • 2022, Novae Caelum, The Truthspoken Heir: The Stars and Green Magics - Season One:
      They paused at a door halfway down the corridor and waved their key at the lock pad. “Here—press your hand here to add your biometrics, please.”
      Ari did so, and then stepped aside to let Bettea press faers, too.
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