


  • IPA(key): /et.terˈna.le/
  • Rhymes: -ale
  • Hyphenation: et‧ter‧nà‧le


etternale (plural etternali)

  1. (archaic) Alternative form of eternale
    • mid 1300smid 1310s, Dante Alighieri, “Canto XIV”, in Inferno [Hell], lines 31–33, 37; republished as Giorgio Petrocchi, editor, La Commedia secondo l'antica vulgata [The Commedia according to the ancient vulgate], 2nd revised edition, Florence: publ. Le Lettere, 1994:
      Quali Alessandro in quelle parti calde
      d'Indïa vide sopra 'l süo stuolo
      fiamme cadere infino a terra salde,
      tale scendeva l’etternale ardore
      As Alexander, in those torrid parts
      of India, beheld upon his host
      flames fall unbroken till they reached the ground,
      thus was descending the eternal heat


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