et uxor



From Latin et (and) and uxor (his wife).


et uxor

  1. (law) "And the wife" or "and his wife"; often used in the context of a legal document to include a man's wife in whichever obligation, ownership, etc. the document indicates.
    • post 1687, The Diary of Dr. Thomas Cartwright, Bishop of Chester; commencing at the time of his Elevation to that See, August M.DC.LXXXVI.; and terminating with the Visitation of St. Mary Magdalene College, Oxford, October M.DC.LXXXVII. Now first printed from the original MS. in the Possession of the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A., London, 1843, page 28:
      I confirmed at Whitegate church about 300 persons, and returned to Vale Royal, where dined with me Sir Thomas Grosvenor et uxor, and Mrs. Rigby, Sir Philip Egerton, uxor et filius, Mr. Leftwich Oldfeild, Mr. Dean, Mr. Woods, vicar of Over, Mr. Marbury, rector of Davenham, Mr. Hanmore, Mr. Oakes, curate of Astbury, Mr. Oakes, Mr. Colley; and at supper Captain Birch and Captain Mainwaring more.
    • 1616, Reports, or Causes in Chancery, collected by Sir George Cary, one of the Masters of the Chancery, Anno 1601. Out of the Labours of Mr. William Lambert. Reprinted from the Edition of 1820, London, 1872, page 129:
      [...] Keyes plaintant, Hill et uxor, defendants. Anno 22 Eliz.
    Coordinate term: et conjunx

Usage notes

  • For example, in 1348 there was a legal case in England now called in English I de S et ux. v. W de S or I de S et ux v. W de S; et ux[.] is used herein to show that the man is suing for his wife since women had no legal capacity in the 14th century.


See also

  • Appendix:List of (English) legal Latin terms
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