


From escabio (booze, boozy; booziness) from vernacular Italian scabio, scabi (wine), from Ligurian scabbio and Lombard scabbi.


  • IPA(key): /eskaˈbjaɾ/ [es.kaˈβ̞jaɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Syllabification: es‧ca‧biar


escabiar (first-person singular present escabio, first-person singular preterite escabié, past participle escabiado) (Argentina, Uruguay, Lunfardo, slang, colloquial)

  1. (intransitive) to go drinking, boozing; tipple, imbibe to excess; to drink intoxicating alcoholic beverages like wine, beer, or liquor; engage in binge drinking with intent of getting drunk
    Synonyms: chupar, copear, embriagar, emborrachar, libar, mamar
    ¡Vamos a bailar y escabiar toda la noche!
    We're going dancing and boozing all night long!
  2. (reflexive) to get drunk; get oneself intoxicated; get loaded with booze; become drunken, inebriated, smashed, wrecked from ingesting excessive amounts of alcohol
    Synonyms: emborracharse, embriagarse
    • De la mañana hasta la noche. Quiero beber algo más fuerte que un hombre. De la mañana hasta la noche. Quiero beber por que así soy yo. Birra birra! Quiero otra cerveza y me escabio. Birra birra! Tomo otra cerveza y me arruino. Birra birra! Dame otra cerveza y me escabio. Birra birra! Tomo otra cerveza y me arruino. Por la cerveza aquí estoy peleando. Por la cerveza cualquier cosa haré. Borracho yo hablo, borracho bromeo. Estoy tan borracho, no puedo ni ver!
      From morning to night. I want to drink something stronger than one man. From morning to night. I want to drink because that's how I am. Birra birra! I want another beer and I'll drink myself drunk. Birra birra! I'll take another beer and get myself smashed. Birra birra! Give me another beer and I'll booze till I'm loaded. Birra birra! I take another beer and get myself wrecked. For beer here I am fighting. For beer I will do anything. Drunk I talk, drunk I joke. I'm so drunk, I can't even see!


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