envesprir (first-person singular present envespreixo, first-person singular preterite envesprí, past participle envesprit)
- (intransitive) to grow dark, to dusk
- 1938, Ferran Soldevila, Hores angleses:
- Quan el tren ha arrencat de Dover, s'envespria ràpidament. La boirina, molt suau, contribuïa a obscurir el paisatge; els túnels se succeïen. Després de tot el que he hagut d'escoltar aquests darrers dies sobre el clima anglès i la mancança de sol, em feia l'efecte que m'endinsava de mica en mica sota una volta fumosa i que ja no en tornaria a sortir fins a la primavera.
- When the train shot out of Dover, dusk fell rapidly. The mist, very light, contributed to dimming the landscape; one tunnel followed another. After everything that I'd heard over these past days about the English climate and the lack of sun, it had the effect that I was little by little entering a smoky vault and wouldn't come out again until spring.
Further reading
- “envesprir” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
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