enrampar (first-person singular present enrampo, first-person singular preterite enrampí, past participle enrampat)
- (transitive) to cramp
- (transitive) to shock (give an electric shock to)
- (transitive, takes a reflexive pronoun) to cramp
- (transitive, takes a reflexive pronoun) to get a shock
- 1990, Miquel Àngel Riera, Illa Flaubert:
- Engegà el televisor no sense por d'enrampar-se i, al cap d'un instant, del fons d'aquella pantalla de costats arrodonits varen emergir unes formes grises que no deixà acabar de definir.
- He turned on the television, not without fear of getting a shock, and, after a moment, from the bottom of that screen with rounded sides some ill-defined grey forms emerged.
Derived terms
- enrampada
- enrampament
Further reading
- “enrampar” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
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