


From en- + gipó + -ar.


  • IPA(key): (Central) [əɲ.ʒi.puˈna]
  • IPA(key): (Balearic) [əɲ.ʒi.poˈna]
  • IPA(key): (Valencian) [eɲ.d͡ʒi.poˈnaɾ]


engiponar (first-person singular present engipono, first-person singular preterite engiponí, past participle engiponat); root stress: (Central, Valencian, Balearic) /o/

  1. (transitive) to make a rush job of; to half-ass, to botch
  2. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to dress carelessly, to throw on
    • 1999, Robert Saladrigas, Còmplices de ciutat:
      Sense llevar-se el pijama, es calçava unes sabatilles esportives, s'engiponava el jaquetó folrat, i de matinada sortia amb sigil del pis.
      Without taking off his pyjamas, he put on some trainers, threw on the lined coat, and left at dawn with the floor sigil.


Derived terms

  • engiponament

Further reading

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