


emoco (emotion) + -igar


emocigar (present tense emocigas, past tense emocigis, future tense emocigos, imperative emocigez, conditional emocigus)

  1. (transitive) to cause an emotion to
    • 1914, Suplemento, page 1:
      Omna bona e bela qualesi dil parolanto kontributis por interesar la mento ed emocigar la kordio dil audantaro.
      All good and fine qualities of the speaker contributed to rousing interest in the minds and rousing emotion in the hearts of the audience.
    • 1914, La langue auxiliaire, page 10:
      Autuno esas veninta, e ta jornofino emocigas l'anmo per lua dolceso e perlua grandiozeso.
      Autumn has come, and that sunset makes the soul emotional by its sweetness and by its greatness.
    • 1918, Mondo, page 103:
      La lekteri di «Mondo» konocas la emociganta letro di Populus.
      The readers of "Mondo" know the emotion-causing letter of Populus.


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