- IPA(key): /eɡote/ [e.ɣ̞o.t̪e]
- Rhymes: -ote
- Hyphenation: e‧go‧te
Declension of egote (inanimate, ending in vowel)
indefinite | singular | plural | |
absolutive | egote | egotea | egoteak |
ergative | egotek | egoteak | egoteek |
dative | egoteri | egoteari | egoteei |
genitive | egoteren | egotearen | egoteen |
comitative | egoterekin | egotearekin | egoteekin |
causative | egoterengatik | egotearengatik | egoteengatik |
benefactive | egoterentzat | egotearentzat | egoteentzat |
instrumental | egotez | egoteaz | egoteez |
inessive | egotetan | egotean | egoteetan |
locative | egotetako | egoteko | egoteetako |
allative | egotetara | egotera | egoteetara |
terminative | egotetaraino | egoteraino | egoteetaraino |
directive | egotetarantz | egoterantz | egoteetarantz |
destinative | egotetarako | egoterako | egoteetarako |
ablative | egotetatik | egotetik | egoteetatik |
partitive | egoterik | — | — |
prolative | egotetzat | — | — |
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