


effectour (plural effectours)

  1. Obsolete spelling of effector
    • 1595, William Perkins, A Golden Chaine, or The Description Oe Theologie, page 16:
      God is not onely a bare permiſsiue agent in an euill worke, but a powerfull effectour of the ſame []
    • 1601, Iohn Deacon, Iohn Walker, Dialogicall Discourses of Spirits and Diuels, London: Geor. Bishop, page 293:
      Howbeit, your iustifying faith now (it being but a bare apprehender before) is become the powerfull effectour: and the poſſeſſed mans faith, the bare apprehender of that admirable action.
    • 1611, Henrie Parrie, transl., The Summe of Christian Religion: Deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in His Lectures upon the Catechisme, Authorised by the Noble Prince Frederick Throughout His Dominions, London: [] H. L., page 348:
      Therefore all are from God their authour and effectour, and are wrought by Gods prouidence.
    • 1612, William Attersoll, A Commentarie vpon the Epistle of Saint Paule to Philemon, London: [] William Iaggard, page 205:
      Heereby we learne, that men are regenerated and borne a-new by the Miniſtery of the Word to bee the Children of God, and Co[-]heires with Chriſt of eternall life, God working by the meanes of his word, and by the Miniſtery of his Seruants, whereby hee conueyeth it vnto vs, his Spirit being the powerfull Applyer, Bleſſer, and Effectour of this new-birth.
    • 1630, I[ames] S[harpe], The Triall of the Protestant Priuate Spirit: VVherein Their Doctrine, Making the Sayd Spirit the Sole Ground & Meanes of Their Beliefe, Is Confuted, the second part, page 295:
      The one is the principall authour, worker, and effectour of all ſinnes as ſinnes, and men only his inſtruments to do that ſinne which he workes by them: []
    • 1642 December 28, The Collected Sermons of Thomas Fuller, D.D., 1631-1659, volume 1, London, published 1891:
      By Peace-makers, Peace-endeavourers are to be understood; not only the Effectours of Peace, but even the Affectours of Peace ſhal be bleſſed.
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