
Old English

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): /ˈdroxt.ni.ɑn/



  1. to live
  2. to live one's life, conduct oneself
    • Old English Benedictine Rule
      men ... swá micele eáðelícor and sél drohtniaþ, swá hý stíþlíce áfédde wǽron
      people ... live the more readily and well the more strictly they were brought up
  3. to dwell
    • Ælfric of Eynsham, Catholic Homilies, I.29, c. 990s
      ON DECIES DÆGE þæs wælhreowan caseres. wæs se halga biscop sixtus on romana byri drohtniende
      In the time of the vicious Emperor Decius, the holy bishop Sixtus was living in the city of the Romans
    • Peterborough Chronicle, s.a. 1072
      Hé férde tó Burch tó Sc̃e Petres mynstre and þǽr drohtnode .xii. geár
      He travelled to Bury, to the monastery of St Peter, and dwelled there for twelve years
  4. to inhabit


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