


draisks (definite draiskais, comparative draiskāks, superlative visdraiskākais, adverb draiski)

  1. playful, bold; not very well-behaved (having a tendency to play, joke)
    ir savādi, ja noskatāties vīrā, kas it kā zēns uz ielas svilpo draisksit is strange when you look at a man who as a boy had whistled playfully on the streets
  2. playful, bold; not very well-behaved (expressing such features; having content which expresses such features)
    draisks smaidsplayful smile
    draiska dziesmaplayful song
    mātes acis sastapās ar meitas jautrajām, draiskajām acīmthe mother's eyes met with the daughter's cheerful, playful eyes
    grāmatā iepazīstamies ar kāda cilvēka komiskajiem piedzīvojumiem un pārdzīvojumiem savā dārzā, par kuriem autors stāsta ar draisku humoru un maigu lirismuin the book we are presented the comic adventures and experiences of a character in his own garden, about which the author narrates with playful humor and gentle lyricism



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