
4 chain dogfish (Scyliorhinus retifer)
Alternative forms
dog + fish. Compare Greek σκυλόψαρο (skylópsaro, “dogfish”), Latin canicula (“dogfish”, literally “little dog”), Italian pescecane (“dogfish”), French chien de mer (literally “dog of the sea”), German Meerhund (literally “seadog”) and Hundfisch (“dogfish”), and English seadog. For non-Indo-European cognates, see Maltese kelb il-baħar (literally “dog of the sea”) and Turkish köpek balığı (“shark”), likely calques from Indo-European languages.
dogfish (plural dogfish or dogfishes)
- Any of various small sharks
- especially those from the family Squalidae
- a catshark, any shark from family Scyliorhinidae
- a kitefin shark, any shark from family Dalatiidae
- (UK) Scyliorhinus canicula or Scyliorhinus stellaris
- (Azores Is.) Scyliorhinus canicula
- (Canada) Squalus suckleyi
- (Bermuda) Mustelus canis
- (Barbados) Bodianus rufus
- (Guyana) Ginglymostoma cirratum or Mustelus canis
- (Trinidad and Tobago) Ginglymostoma cirratum
- (Namibia) Squalus acanthias, Squalus blainville, Squalus megalops, or Squalus mitsukurii
- (US) The bowfin, Amia calva.
- 1967, George K. Reid, edited by Herbert S. Zim and George S. Fichter, Pond Life, New York: Golden Press, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 128:
- Bowfins, sometimes called Dog-fish, live in sluggish waters throughout eastern N.A.
Derived terms
terms derived from dogfish
- arrowhead dogfish (Deania profundorum)
- Azores dogfish (Scymnodalatias garricki)
- bareskin dogfish (Centroscyllium kamoharai)
- birdbeak dogfish (Deania calcea)
- black dogfish (Centroscyllium fabricii)
- broadband dogfish (Etmopterus gracilispinis)
- chain dogfish (Scyliorhinus retifer)
- combtooth dogfish (Centroscyllium nigrum)
- Cuban dogfish (Squalus cubensis)
- deepwater spiny dogfish (Centrophorus squamosus)
- dogfish orientalis (Plectorhinchus lineatus, a grunt native to coral reefs of the western Pacific Ocean)
- dogfish shark
- granular dogfish (Centroscyllium granulatum)
- greater spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus stellaris)
- Harrison's dogfish (Centrophorus harrissoni)
- highfin dogfish (Centroscyllium excelsum)
- hooktooth dogfish (Aculeola nigra)
- Japanese velvet dogfish (Zameus ichiharai)
- knifetooth dogfish (Scymnodon ringens)
- largespine velvet dogfish (Proscymnodon macracanthus)
- lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula)
- longnose velvet dogfish (Centroselachus crepidater)
- longsnout dogfish (Deania quadrispinosa)
- mandarin dogfish (Cirrhigaleus barbifer)
- needle dogfish (Centrophorus granulosus)
- ornate dogfish (Centroscyllium ornatum)
- Plunket's dogfish (Centroscymnus plunketi
- Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis)
- prickly dogfish (Oxynotus bruniensis)
- rasptooth dogfish (Etmopterus sheikoi (alternately known as Miroscyllium sheikoi)
- rough longnose shark (Deania hystricosa)
- roughskin dogfish (Centroscymnus owstonii)
- sherwood dogfish (Scymnodalatias sherwoodi)
- shortnose velvet dogfish (Centroscymnus owstonii)
- smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis)
- southern dogfish (Centrophorus zeehaani)
- southern Mandarin dogfish (Cirrhigaleus australis)
- sparsetooth dogfish (Scymnodalatias oligodon)
- spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
- Taiwanese dogfish (Squalus formosus)
- velvet dogfish (Zameus squamulosus)
- viper dogfish (Trigonognathus kabeyai)
- whitetail dogfish (Scymnodalatias albicauda)
- whitefin dogfish (Centroscyllium ritteri)
small shark
shark in family Squalidae
shark in family Dalatidae — see kitefin shark
shark in family Scyliorhinidae — see catshark
small sharks of the Scyliorhinidae, Dalatiidae and Squalidae families
bowfin — see bowfin
See also
- dog salmon (Oncorhynchus keta, salmon family)
- catfish
- flake
- smooth hound (sharks in genus Mustelus)
- waterdog
Further reading
Dogfish shark on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
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