


dis- + charity


discharity (uncountable)

  1. Lack of charity.
    Synonyms: incharity, uncharitableness, uncharity
    • 1839, Henry Brougham, Letter to the Duke of Bedford in Letters and Speeches on Various Subjects, Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1840, Volume 1, p. 79,
      Lawgivers of England! [] Be well assured, that the contempt lavished for centuries upon the cabals of Constantinople [] will be as a token of respect compared with the loud shout of universal scorn which all mankind in all ages will send up against you, if you stand still and suffer [] the parent of all evil, all falsehood, all hypocrisy, all discharity, all self-seeking [] to stalk about the fold and lay waste its inmates []
    • 2008, Jonathan Gash, chapter 15, in Faces in the Pool, New York: Minotaur, published 2009, page 122:
      For sheer discharity I’d never known anyone like Donna. I had thought her elegant and sophisticated. Now, I saw cankerous malice in a destroyer.
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