


Dipnoi + -id or + -oid


dipnoid (not comparable)

  1. (zoology) Of, or relating to, lungfishes in the subclass Dipnoi.
    • 1918, Arthur Dendy, Outlines of Evolutionary Biology:
      The dipnoid fishes, which, as we have already seen, attained their maximum of development in the Devonian epoch, show us clearly enough how such a transition probably took place, []
    • 1941, Clair Arthaud Hannum, Comparative Chordate Anatomy: A Laboratory Text:
      A concurrent elimination of sharks from fresh waters, with a countercurrent increase in the dipnoid and ganoid lungfishes, readily can be demonstrated.
    • 2014, Pietro Gaietto, Phylogenesis of Beauty:
      During the Carboniferous some species of dipnoid fish had 30 million years to evolve into reptiles, unless new discoveries may point to other origins for reptiles.


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