

WOTD – 30 January 2019


From Latin dehortārī, present active infinitive of dēhortor (to deter, dissuade), from dē- (prefix indicating reversal or undoing) + hortor (to encourage, exhort, urge)[1] (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰer- (to yearn for)).


  • (Received Pronunciation, General American) IPA(key): /dɪˈhɔːt/, /diː-/
    • (file)
  • Hyphenation: de‧hort


dehort (third-person singular simple present dehorts, present participle dehorting, simple past and past participle dehorted)

  1. (transitive, rare or obsolete) To dissuade. [from mid 16th c.]
    Antonyms: encourage, exhort, persuade, urge
    • 1580 January 8, James Bisse, “The ii. Sermon”, in Two Sermons Preached, the One at Paules Crosse the Eight of Ianuarie 1580. The Other, at Christes Churche in London the Same Day in the After Noone, imprinted at London: By [Thomas Dawson for] Thomas Woodcocke, published 1581, →OCLC, page 71:
      Behold I haue opened vnto you the woorkes of darkneſſe, which you muſt caſt of, nowe I will geue you the armour of light, which you muſt put on, I haue dehorted you, and I hope thorowly diſſuaded you from labouring for the meate that periſheth: []
    • 1612, Thomas Heywood, “Of Actors, and the True Vse of Their Quality. The Third Booke.”, in An Apology for Actors. [], London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, →OCLC:
      [] Playes are writ with this ayme, and carryed with this methode, to teach the ſubiects Obedience to their King, to ſhew the people the vntimely ends of ſuch as haue moued tumults, commotions, and inſurrections, to preſent them with the flouriſhing eſtate of ſuch as liue in obedience, exhorting them to allegeance, dehorting them from all trayterous and fellonious ſtratagems.
    • 1646, George Gillespie, “Twenty Arguments to Prove that the Lords Supper is Not a Converting Ordinance”, in Aarons Rod Blossoming. Or, The Divine Ordinance of Church-government Vindicated, [], London: Printed by E[dward] G[riffin] for Richard Whitaker, [], →OCLC, book 3 (Of Excommunication from the Church. And, Of Suspension from the Lords Table.), page 517:
      [] I prove the Lords Supper is no converting Ordinance; for if it were. 1. How dare any Miniſter ſeriouſly dehort any unworthy perſon from approaching to it? May we forbid ſinners to uſe the means of their converſion, eſpecially if they be ſuch as are not excommunicated nor caſt out of the Church, and do deſire to receive the Sacrament?
    • 1727, Robert South, “Luke xii. 15.”, in Twelve Sermons Preached at Several Times, and upon Several Occasions, 4th edition, volume IV, London: Printed by J[ames] Bettenham, for Jonah Bowyer, [], →OCLC, pages 444–445:
      And thus much for the ſecond thing conſiderable in the Dehortation; namely, the Thing we are therein dehorted from, which is, that mean, ſordid, and degrading Vice of Covetouſneſs.
    • 1825 January 7, Robert Southey, “To the Rev. Herbert Hill, &c.”, in John Wood Warter, editor, Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey, &c. &c. &c. [...] In Four Volumes, volume III, London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, published 1856, →OCLC, page 462:
      Croker dehorts me from visiting Ireland, from which I do not need much dehortation, considering the aspect in that miserable country.

Derived terms



  1. dehort, v.”, in OED Online Paid subscription required, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, 1894; dehort”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.


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