


default + -ist


defaultist (not comparable)

  1. Of or relating to defaultism.


defaultist (plural defaultists)

  1. (pragmatics) One who believes that scalar implicatures arise from a default association with a word, rather than arising from contextual inference.
    Antonym: contextualist
    A defaultist believes that the default interpretation of the phrase "some eels are fish" is the pragmatic interpretation "some, but not all, eels are fish".
    • 2010, Bart Geurts, Quantity Implicatures, page 87:
      Hence, there can be little doubt that Levinson is a strong defaultist.
    • 2010, Arjen Zondervan, Scalar Implicatures Or Focus: An Experimental Approach, page 191:
      For Experiment 8, the defaultists could make a similar argument about the absence of an SI-cancellation effect that I made about the absence of an SI-calculation effect.
    • 2018, Rita Finkbeiner, Ulrike Freywald, Exact Repetition in Grammar and Discourse:
      There is, however, no true conflict between defaultists and contextualists.
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