
Puķu dārzs (1)

Zirgu dārzs (4)

Mēness dārzs (5)
This word has the same origin as zārds (“rickstand”) (q.v.), from which it originated by metathesis. The different intonation (dārzs has a falling [àː], while zārds has a level [āː]) is probably explained by the change in meaning, and may have preceded the metathesis; cf. the intonation change in Lithuanian žárdas (“forked branch, rickstand”), žárdis (“pole”), but žar̃dis (“horse, cattle corral; (arch.) garden”). The meaning change would then have been: “wooden structure” > “fence” > “fenced area” (cf. below zirgu dārzs “horse corral”, and metaphorically also mēness dārzs “moon ring”) > “garden.” Cognates include Lithuanian dar̃žas.[1]
- IPA(key): [dàːɾs]
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dārzs m (1st declension)
- garden (a piece of land used for growing specific vegetable species, flowers, crops, etc.)
- piemājas dārzs ― backyard garden
- skolas dārzs ― school garden
- sakņu dārzs ― vegetable (lit. roots) garden
- augļu dārzs ― orchard (lit. fruit garden)
- puķu dārzs ― flower garden
- dārza žogs ― garden fence
- dārza zeme ― garden land
- dārza zāģis ― garden saw
- dārza māja ― garden cottage (lit. house)
- dārza zemenes ― garden strawberries (i.e., not wild)
- uzrakt dārzu ― to dig up a garden
- ravēt dārzu ― to weed a garden
- dārzā rindās kā sargi stāvēja ķirši ar tikko kā sarkt sākušiem ogu čemuriem ― in lines in the garden, like guards, stood the cherry (trees) which had just started to produce red berry clusters
- (rare) a place where wild trees grow in bulk
- Žanis Vītols vēl atceras, cik ļoti dēlam patika liepu dārzs, kas bija tepat pie dravas ― Žanis Vītols still remembers how much (his) son liked the linden garden that was right here by the apiary
- garden, park (a planted area with paths for walking)
- pilsētas dārzi un parki ― a city's gardens and parks
- dārza kafejnīca ― garden cafe
- ainavu dārzs ― landscape garden
- dārzu arhitektūra ― garden architecture (i.e., the design of gardens and parks)
- Rīgas centrā ir tik daudz parku, kuru dēļ to dēvē par dārzu pilsētu ― in the center of Riga there are so many parks that because of them they call it (= Riga) the garden city
- enclosure for holding animals, corral, pen
- zirgu dārzs ― horse corral
- koku dārzs ― limber corral (enclosure in a watercourse for floating timber, felled trees)
- tas nebūs aploks, bet vistu dārzs ― that will not be a corral, but (just) a chicken pen
- ring of light around the moon or the sun
- kad taisās lietus, tad ap mēnesi var redzēt gaišu riņķi: mēness dārzu ― when it is going to rain, then one can see around the moon a bright ring: the moon's enclosure
Declension of dārzs (1st declension)
Derived terms
- apdārzs
- augļu dārzs
- bērnudārzs, bērnu dārzs
- dārzājs
- dārzenis, dārzeņkopība
- dārziņš
- dārzkopis, dārzkope, dārzkopība
- dārznieks, dārzniece, dārzniecība
- Karulis, Konstantīns. 1992, 2001. Latviešu etimoloģijas vārdnīca. Rīga: AVOTS. →ISBN.
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